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Dreams, Your Connection to Inner Guidance and Insight

Saturday, January 18, 2025
PM – 3 PM

Event title:  Dreams, Your Connection to Inner Guidance and Insight
Location:  Steele Community Room, Waterbury Public Library, 28 N. Main Street, Waterbury
Date:  Saturday, January 18th
Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm.

Description:  If you are curious about exploring the significance of your dreams, this open discussion is a chance to meet with others who share your spiritual interests. By looking within, you can unlock your dreams, gain valuable insights to improve the quality of your life every day, and even meet with departed loved ones. A spiritual exercise will be shared to actively tap the wisdom of your inner dream worlds.

All are welcome to join this free and open spiritual discussion hosted by Eckankar, a spiritual teaching that offers simple exercises for people of all faiths, traditions, and walks of life to develop and deepen a conscious and practical relationship with spirit.

Geo Le Geros 802-917-8180


Steele Community Room