Waterbury Community Values Mapping Program
Waterbury Community Values Mapping June 2023 presentation and Final Poster
Waterbury Conservation Commission is asking you to help answer these questions and guide Waterbury’s future growth:
What do you love about Waterbury?
What are the community values and activities that are most important to you?
Waterbury residents will have an opportunity on April 11 and April 20 to participate in a program to map Waterbury’s community values and direct the future growth of Waterbury. The program, planned by the Waterbury Conservation Commission in conjunction with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, will take place both in person and virtually.

The purpose of the Community Values Mapping project is to offer Waterbury residents an opportunity to engage in a discussion of a wide variety of issues affecting the town. Rather than an exercise focused on conservation, this is an effort to learn about and understand a broad array of community values and priorities through community discussions. Possible values discussed include Recreation, Scenic Views, Wildlife, Community Places, Natural Areas, Commercial, and more. One of the key goals of the project is to clarify the positive aspects of Waterbury, which can inform a number of town decisions, including investment and planning.
In-Person Event:
(Registration Required)
Tuesday, April 11
6:00 – 8:00 pm
St. Leo’s Hall, 109 South Main Street, Waterbury
Snacks and Beverages to be Provided
What Will We Do?
At each event, we will start a mapping exercise that asks participants to share what they love about Waterbury. For the live session, the attendees will be broken into groups, each with a facilitator who would encourage participants to share the values that are most important to them. Attendees will draw circles on large maps showing the locations reflecting the values and add additional comments. A similar process will take place during the online event.
The information gathered at these sessions will be compiled into a report with summary maps prepared by Fish & Wildlife and shared with the town.
If you have any questions, please email the Conservation Commission at waterburyccvt@ or call Billy Vigdor at 802.917.2272. gmail.com
For an example of a community values mapping project, visit Cornwall, Vermont’s report.